

Sylvie Robaldo, dancer and ballet teacher D.E. in France, discovered choreology in 1999 through Rosemary Brandt Practice and since then, she has expanded her work in further areas. She has developed an innovative way of teaching Dance History through choreological practice for students in conservatory and in art studies in high school. She has trained dance teachers in the studies of the Diplôme d’Etat and assisted dancers and choreographers during their process of creation. From 2010, she moved to London where she graduated in Choreological Studies from the SDCS - Specialist Diploma in Choreological Studies, Contemporary Developments in Laban’s Principles and Practice at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.




Nunzia Tirelli practical choreologist, “Special Diploma Choreological Studies”, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London. Dance Movement Therapist (Art Therapy Italiana). CMA (Certified Movement Analysis), LIMS, New York. In 2013 she promoted and organized the historical LABAN EVENT in Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. In 2014 the Federal Office of Culture, awarded the project "The Dancing Drumstick and Ishtar's Journey into Hades” the prize for “Cultural Dance Heritage in Switzerland” in collaboration with Dr. Valerie Preston-Dunlop and Ali Curtis-Jones.